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Как установить файл? | Битая ссылка? 20.10.2012, 12:53

cl_yawspeed "220
cl_showpos 1

//Home(working on f11 + f12) toggles on and off

//Yawspeed is tweakable!
//It changes how fast/slow you spin while holding a and d!
cl_yawspeed 220

// In case you ever want to reset your yawspeed...
alias norm "cl_yawspeed 210"

bind f11 "bhop"
alias Longjump "Longjump1; Longjump2"
alias Longjump1 "bind f12 toggleLongjump"
alias Longjump2 "bind f11 Longjump3"
alias Longjump3 "Longjump4; Longjump5"
alias Longjump4 "bind mwheelup nextinv"
alias Longjump5 "bind f11 Longjump"
//Aliases 2
alias +f "+forward"
alias -f "-forward"
alias +l "+left"
alias -l "-left"
alias +r "+right"
alias +ll "+left; +moveleft"
alias +rr "+right; +moveright"
alias -ll "-left; -moveleft"
alias -rr "-right; -moveright"
alias rl "bind d +rr; bind a +ll"
alias reg "bind a +moveleft; bind d +moveright"
alias toggleLongjump "rl; bind home toggleLongjump2; mjump;"
alias toggleLongjump2 "reg; bind home toggleLongjump; mjump; stop"
alias stop "-ll; -rr"

echo DarkJestures Strafing Script is ready to party.
echo REMEMBER: HOME toggles on / off.
echo This script uses +left while moving left, if on...
echo AND uses +right if moving right, essentaily strafing for you!

Категория: Скрипты для CSS | Добавил: dima_p
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